

2020-05-04 18:00:02高二238


  【考点1】含 difference 的短语

  ① make a / no / some, etc. difference to sb / sth 对某人/某事物有/没有/有些关系影响

  ② make a difference between 区别对待

  ③ make some difference to 对……有些没有关系

  ④ have a difference in character 在性格上有差别

  [例句] It makes no difference t0 me which side may loseor win. 谁输准赢对我没有什么关系。

  She makes a difference between her family and herwork. 她对工作和家庭是有区别的。

  【考例1】I'm afraid to tell you that the medicine will____ no difference to your illness。so stop taking it.

  A. takeB. make

  C. getD. do

  [考查目标] 此题主要考查 difference 的动词搭配问题。

  [答案与解析]Bmake a difference 是固定搭配。此时不可用其他动词。

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