

2021-11-05 01:30:18学习方法525


1. 帮忙做家务 help with housework

2. 在周末on weekends

3. 去看电影 go to the movies

4. 几近不 hardly ever

5. 每一天 every day

6. 一周两次 twice a week

7. 使用网络 use the Internet

8. 上钢琴和舞蹈课have piano and dance lessons

9. 怎么会? How come?

10. 熬夜 stay up

11. 吃安康的早餐 eat a healthy breakfast

12. 做活动 play sports/ do sports/ do exercise/ take exercise

13. 至少 at least

14. 放学后 after school

15. 多久一次 how often

16. 对有益 be good for

17. 吃垃圾食品 eat junk food

18. 在闲暇的时候 in the free time

19. 底子不 not... at all

20. 上网 go online

21. 成绩的答案 the answer to the question

22. 比方 such as / for example

23. 和共度光阴 spend time with

24. 旧习难改 Old habits die hard.

25. 去看牙医 go to the dentist

26. 超越,多于more than

27. 少于 less than

28. 抓紧的最好体式格局 the best way to relax

29. 吃水果 eat fruit

30. 去购物 go shopping

31.读英语书 read English books

32. 我最爱好的节目 my favorite program

33. 在周三和周五on Wednesday and Friday

34. 和伴侣打网球 play tennis with friends

35. 吃苹果 eat apples

36.喝牛奶 drink milk

37. 早睡 go to bed early

38. 去乡下露营 go camping in the country

39. 打电脑游戏 play computer games

40. 一周四到六次 four to six times a week

41.一名16岁的中学生a 16-year-old high school student

42.喝果汁 drink juice

43. 吃汉堡 eat hamburgers

44. 洁牙(动词短语)clean the teeth (名词短语)teeth cleaning

45. 害怕 be afraid of 害怕做某事be afraid to do sth.


1.What do you usually do on weekends?你周末凡是做什么?

2.I always exercise.总是锤炼身体。

3.What do they do on weekends?他们周末干什么?

4.They often help with housework.他们常常帮忙干家务活。

5.What does she do on weekends? 她周末干什么?

6.She sometimes goes shopping.她有时购物。

7.How often do you go to the movies? 你多久看电影一次?

8.I go to the movies maybe once a month.大概一个月看一次。

9.How often does he watch TV? 他多久看电视一次?

10.He hardly ever watches TV.他几近不看电视。

11.Do you go shopping? 你购物吗?

12.No, I never go shopping.不,我历来就不购物。


1. help sb. with sth 帮忙或人做某事

2. How about? =What about? .怎样?/ .好不好?

3. want sb. to do sth. 想让或人做某事

4. How many + 可数名词单数+ 一样平常疑问句 .有几多..

5. 主语+ find+ that 从句 发明

6. Its + adj.+ to do sth. 做某事是.的

7. spend time with sb. 和或人一块儿渡过光阴

8. ask sb. about sth. 向或人询问某事

9. by doing sth. 经由过程做某事

10. Whats your favorite..? 你最爱好的是什么?

11 start doing sth. 入手下手做某事


1. help with housework 帮忙做家务

(1) help with sth. 意为帮忙做某事拓展:help sb. with sth.= help sb. (to)do sth. 帮忙或人做某事

Eg: I often help him with his English.= I often help him (to) learn English. 我常常帮他学习英语。

(2)housework 意为家务劳动。不成数名词。

1. They have housework to do. A. many B. much

2. sometimes 有时

辨析:sometimes ,some times ,sometime , some time

sometimes 有时候。=at times也是有时的意思。发问用how often

some times 几回。time作可数名词时可作次数解;透露表现时间时是不成数名词。How mang times

sometime 某个时候。可指过来或将来的某个时候。发问用when

some time 一段时间。常与for连用。对它发问用how long 。

口诀记忆:分隔隔离分散一段时间 ;相聚某个时候。

Eg:Sometimes I get up very late. 有时我起床很晚。

I will go to shanghai sometime next week. 下周某个时候我要去上海。

He reads the story some times. 他读这个故事几遍了。

Ill stay here for some time. 我将会在这儿呆一段时间。


① We plan to stay in Hainan for . 我们计划在海南呆一段时间。

② I am sure that we have met before. 我必定我们之前见过几回了。

③ I have letters from him. 有时我会收到他的来信。

3. hardly ever 几近不 hardly ever相当于hardly

eg:There is hardly any food left. 几近没有食物剩下。

辨析:hardly 与hard

hardly 几近不,一样平常位于动词之前。 hard 积极,位于动词之后。

eg:He hardly works. 他几近不工作。

He works hard. 他工作积极。

4. use the Internet 用互联网 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事

eg:I use a knife to cut bread. 我用刀切面包。

短语:on the Internet 在网上 surf the Internet 网上冲浪,上网

5. Whats your favorite program? 你最爱好的节目是什么?

句型:Whats your favorite...?=What... do you like best?你最爱好的......是什么?

Whats your favorite animal?

你最爱好的植物是什么?= __________________________________________

6. Are you free next week? 你下周有空吗?

free 意为空闲的,有空的,反义词busy。 be free 意为闲着,有空

eg::He is free now.他目下当今有空。


Eg:The tickets are free. 票是免费的。

7. ... next week is quite full for me... 下周对我来说相当忙

quite full 很忙,相当忙.

拓展:①full 还可译为满的,充溢的。

Eg:The bus was full when they got there. 翻译________________________________________

②full 还可译为饱的。

Eg:I cant eat any more,I am quite full. 我不克不及再吃了,我相当饱了。

8. How come? 怎么会? 怎么回事?透露表现某件工作很奇怪,有点想不通;可独自使用,也可引导一个问句, 相当于疑问句 why, 但 how come 开头的非凡疑问句使用的仍然是陈说语序。

How come Tom didnt come to the party? = Why didnt Tom come to the party?

9. I have dance and piano lessons. 我要上舞蹈课和英语课。

have 在此意为上课。

Eg: Theyre having an English lesson. 他们正在上英语课。

扩展:have lessons 上课 Lesson One 第一课

10. Well, how about Tuesday? 哦,那周二呢?

How about...? (=What about...?) 意为怎样?,用来征求对方的定见。

Eg: How about this book? 这本书怎么样?

How / What about doing sth. ...? 做怎样?

Eg:What will we do on Sunday? 星期天我们什么?

How about visiting the museum? 去观赏博
上一篇:中考语文论说文语言特点及其他相关常识 下一篇:点窜和断定病句的15个实用办法