

2022-04-27 19:45:01英语136

  2022年高考英语作文经常使用短句小编为大师找来了,小火伴们可以将一些本人不熟悉的短句记实在本人的英语笔记本上,有时间将短句背熟,这样才干机动的运用在作中。经常使用的短句有:be getting on well with one’sstudy或人的学习愈来愈好,大师接着往下看吧。


  be getting on well with one’sstudy或人的学习愈来愈好

  take several courses at school在黉舍学多少门课程

  have EnglishChinese, physics, chemistry... every other day


  work hard at...积极学习……

  put one’sheart into...专心于……,致力于……

  be interested in...对……感爱好


  spend one’sweekend in many different ways过周末的体式格局各不不异

  enjoy doing things by oneself爱好独立办事

  go swimming去游泳

  go for an outing/have an outing at the seashore去海边玩


  explain... to sb.向或人表明……

  look upon sb. as...把或人看作……

  think sb. to be...认为或人是……

  take sb.’sside站在或人的立场上

  would like to do...愿意做……


  have the habit of doing...有做……的风俗

  have trouble in doing...做……有坚苦

  make up one’smind to do...下决心做……

  prepare sth. for...筹办好做……

  give up doing...保持……

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